New Music

New Music – Dark Dazey ‘Enemy’ Single Review

Dark Dazey put the art back into artist and ‘Enemy’ is a track that feels like classical painting with enough cultural clout, skill, and relevance that it should be hung in a museum. With its vivid imagery, vibrant color, and brilliantly unique style and shape, you can enjoy it from a completely aesthetic surface level, or look a little deeper, and get lost in the enormity of its message and meaning for hours.

New Music – Dark Dazey ‘Enemy’ Single Review Read More »

New Music – Electro Deluxe ‘Ain’t No Stoppin” Single Review

This is feel-good music in the truest sense, how can you not smile while you immerse yourself in this consuming creativity and playful perfect percussive massage. You come out the other side feeling nourished, appreciated, and loved. The band clearly get out as much playing the music as you do listening to it and it’s synergistic and wholesome to feel that unity in this giddy glee ecstasy feedback loop.

New Music – Electro Deluxe ‘Ain’t No Stoppin” Single Review Read More »

New Music – Butterfly Bulldozer ‘PR. TRICKS’ Single Review

This is vicious and vibrant music with the decibels maxed out and the artistic vision shone through a prismed lens. It begins with a discordant and unsettling little refrain. It sounds beautiful but bizarrely bestial and broken. The background slowly fills in with haunting and ethereal voices. While the foreground is assaulted with the spittle

New Music – Butterfly Bulldozer ‘PR. TRICKS’ Single Review Read More »