New Music – Dark Dazey ‘Enemy’ Single Review

Ferociously fuzzy feral funk feel-good far-out fun, every tickle and turn of the kaleidoscopic soundscape as it grows and expands is a deviant delight.

The track kicks off with the skitter and skatter of the marching drum, backed up by the growl of the untamed guitars. There is a toothy tone to the strings that brings to life the roaring riff, this bestial barrage begins by infusing the track with an electric energy, before backing off to lurk in the shadows. The first verse sheaths its claws long enough to let the listener see the softer underbelly and vulnerable heart and soul at the core of the music.

In the softer soundscape we are able to explore the scope of the audial journey Dark Dazey are taking us on. The deafening decibels of that explosive intro now fade into a smooth, surreal, and sultry landscape that feels somehow more sinister and spooky than the big bad boisterous ballad that came before. The bass bubbles with the menacing promise of a cooking cauldron, mixing up some of the madness yet to come. The vocals are tempting whispers enticing the listener further into the deep dark depths.

Prog-psychedelia that see saws from hard rock into a bawdy boudoir bop with such silky smooth grace you can’t really tell whether you are up or down. The mastery in the mix and production is truly staggering, and the creativity in the craft of the art is inspiring. Utterly unique and completely captivating, the track evolves effortlessly into the ecstasy of its climax which is well earned, deliciously paced, and unimaginably unexpected. There is no cliche, trope, or stale scale in any section of the song, it continually delights and surprises.

Lyrically it is powerfully poetic, an aching ode to the self-destructive urges of the writer. The pen is poignant enough to carry the emotive depth of the track, but the soul-shattering honesty of the performance lets it soar into the stratosphere with an epic timeless quality and universal truth. We have all engaged in this battle, we have all struggled to ignore the wounding whispers of the void, and this track captures that mood in lyricism, delivery, and the overall soundscape. The seemingly soft safety of that first verse, when the “noise” goes away, is when that voice slinks out from the shadows, and it gets louder and more emphatic as it grows and binds to the music once it has been heard.

Dark Dazey put the art back into artist and ‘Enemy‘ is a track that feels like classical painting with enough cultural clout, skill, and relevance that it should be hung in a museum. With its vivid imagery, vibrant color, and brilliantly unique style and shape, you can enjoy it from a completely aesthetic surface level, or look a little deeper, and get lost in the enormity of its message and meaning for hours.

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