Boomtown Fair 2014 Coverage – The Five Best Vegetarian Eateries


We’ve finally recovered from the madness, sleep deprivation, heavy boozing, rain and frivolity that was Boomtown Fair. As we pull ourselves out of the week long recuperation coma today we will be releasing our coverage, we hope you enjoy it because frankly we’d rather still be asleep.

If anyone else was at Boomtown Fair please feel free to send in your own experiences, we’re still looking to do a collective review.

We’ll start things off with our food review. After going around all weekend, trading the promise of a review and a shitty business card for free food, once back in civilization we realized we better actually pull our finger out and do the review, otherwise karma would probably just take a shit right on our head or something. Plus the food genuinely was pretty awesome.

So without further a do and in no particular order, here are, in our opinion/experience:

The Five Best Vegetarian Eateries At Boomtown 2014


Serving up something more than a burrito, this heavenly van right here serves you with tin foil wrapped nuggets of mexican wonderment. Offering two different kinds of veggie burrito not only did this van let us try one kind for free, we subsequently came back and paid real hard cash for the other, because that’s how goddamn good it was. The staff were lovely and the food not only filled the rumbling whole in your stomach, it lovingly cuddled it with warm fuzzy fulfillment, that is after the flavour fiesta that danced it’s way across your tongue before hand.

P1040253This place served up simple, healthy, filling, really lovely falafel wraps, veggie burgers and salads. Another place that we visited more than once as we were so impressed the first time around, the staff were awesome and the queue was long. There were no frills here, just good, honest, hearty grub. The beauty of the food here is that as soon as you ate it you could almost feel it pulsing through your body, providing you with sweet nourishing awesomeness, it made you feel a bit like a falafel eating popeye as you raced off to enjoy the next part of the festival.

fruitWe brought a butt-load of fruit with us for the long weekend at Boomtown. It acted as breakfast, dinner and every snack in between and we can assure you it was both cheap, (we bought it alongside the excessive amount of alchohol we smuggled in with us at a Sainsbury’s on the way to the festival) delicious and nourishing. The vitamins packed into these tasty little bastards went a long way to curing our heinous hangovers each morning and the health boost also helped maintain the illusion that we weren’t necessarily ripping our bodies asunder limb by limb for the entire weekend.

donutsWhilst not necessarily a “veggie” eaterie. The donuts and churros here are vegetarian, they are also so goddamn perfect that even the most resolutely carnivorous among you could visit this shack and come away feeling completely at peace with your choice. Sugary, crispy, warm, soft, delicate and yet powerful, we were massive fans of the donuts, the churros came in a close second. We recommend visiting this hut when you need a midnight snack that will warm and soothe you, whilst also delivering an electric shock of energy.

P1040273If the other falafel place served up good, honest healthy food, then this one was it’s fast food alternative. But let us be clear that is no bad thing. The falafel pitta we had felt like a sneaky, forbidden delight, it was a cheeky and delicious uppercut to our tastebuds. You can imagine it was similar to ordering nachos in a really shitty little dive bar, it was the absolute basics and yet it came together in a dirty and beautiful way. We also met a girl in the queue who swore by it and had been there every single day, you can’t get a much better recommendation than that.

Stay tuned for more Boomtown coverage through out the day.



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3 thoughts on “Boomtown Fair 2014 Coverage – The Five Best Vegetarian Eateries”

  1. Hi there, can I have your permission to feature a trimmed part of your post in our site? More specifically about the donuts and churros. I will add in your site link to the feature. Hope to hear from you soon!

    1. Hi there Kate.

      Of course we give you permission, just as that godly donut truck shared their sweet delicious fare with us, we will too share our delirious words with you.

      Peace and love.


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