Yack! Tracks Of The Year 2018 // #7 Tim Atlas ‘Sidestep’



Words by Mia Seabrook (@thtmusicperson)



Anxiety, social awkwardness and mental health are all things that are leaving the ‘taboo station’ and beginning to be widely discussed, especially in this delightful little track. Atlas sings ‘feeling the pressure holding my mind / baby I wish you, would notice’ very clearly denoting to the struggles that come with having insecurities within yourself. While all of this sounds dramatically heavy, it is imbedded within a shimmering 80’s laced track, with all the funk and groove to hide the melancholic in plain sight.



Bounding into the begging verse, it is clear that he falls into the ever growing genre of funky, low-fi indie. Atlas’ vocals are raw and raspy in parts giving and almost coy perspective to what it is he is saying. Whilst we begin to hear his brilliant vocals, we are also thrown quickly into a shimmering bass line that stabilises his vocals to a point where they sound almost intertwined. Being able to create this effect so perfectly whilst maintaining the easy going sound and aesthetic is a genuine accomplishment, hence he is one of our tracks of the year for 2018.

The whole song has an air of arrogant coolness which is conflicting to the clear anxiety in the lyrics, creating a contrasting theme across the song. This however, comes from the juxtaposition between the lyrics and the upbeat melody of the track and is handled seamlessly in the video. Strewn with pastel hues and lava lamps, the personification of what Atlas is singing about is clearly shown in the immaculately produced video. he shows both sides of what he implies in his lyrics whilst giving the listener an audio-visual treat. If the funky baseline, pastel perfection or reality of the lyrics can’t sell you on this track like it did us, then Atlas has even thrown in an adorable puppy to the mix, just to bring you round.


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