Yack! Artists Of The Year 2018 // #3 Fur

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Making into the top three Artists Of The Year is Brighton’s FUR. Although there hasn’t been a huge amount of recorded output from the quartet this year they have given us plenty to get excited about for the year ahead. Having caught an absolutely packed out set at The Great Escape as well as various shows in South-London, these lads have been on top of their game on the live circuits wowing at every opportunity. They have picked up constant support from some of the most in-tune tastemakers in So Young Magazine and DIY, they can’t get enough and neither can we.



There’s a strong aesthetic that comes with FUR not only from their nostalgic fashion sense but deep within the heart of their music lies a love of the 60s. Everything that the band produce feels deliberate, yet at the same time wholly natural from their catchy jangling pop tunes to their eye-catching music videos and having signed to one of the coolest labels in the land, Nice Swan, for the upcoming EP surely signifies that the Brighton lads are on to a big thing.

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