Having picked up the second highest accolade a single track can receive in the world of music on the form of placing at number 2 in Yack!’s Tracks Of The Year, Sports Team show their faces again as our Artist Of The Year.
There has been nothing but brilliance from the six-piece this year, from driving their fans to Margate on a coach (which I’m led to believe broke down on the way) to a huge show at London’s Scala. The band have been turning heads at every juncture with their infectious brand of 90s tainted sing-a-long indie-pop and charming the pants of men, women and children alike with jaw-dropping stage antics and their careless attitude to the opinions of others . Dropping the ‘Winter Nets’ EP early this year, Sports Team went on to release the singles ‘Kutcher’ (#2 in Yack!’s Tracks Of The Year, did we mention that?) and ‘Margate’ that has earned the guys praise from the likes of Noisey, DIY and just about every other meaningful music publication as well as frontman Alex Rice placing in Vouge’s 50 hottest boys in the world.
There is feeling that something big is brewing for 2019, maybe an album or some big festival announcements – Whatever it is Sports Team are sure to carry it through with the same level of enthusiasm and charisma that infects their art and their lifestyle. From antics away from the stage and the antics on them Sports Team have done nothing but throughly entertain us this year, they made us smile and they’ve made us laugh but best of all they’ve made us sing a long to a brand of music that has everybody wanting to listen.
Congratulations Sports Team, you’re our number one.
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