Track Of The Day – FEET ‘Ad Blue’




Well aren’t these guys just about the buzz band around town right now, and rightly so. FEET are doing just about everything right at the moment picking up hype across the online world, confirmed performances at All Points East on the Yala! Records stage and many more tour dates besides and this all comes just in time for the new record that will be dropping imminently. It seems as if just about everyone is talking about FEET at the moment so we’ll let their music do the talking.

With a fantastically fun video to boot, the new single ‘Ad Blue’ emerges and a country and western themed bop… if the country and western in question was set in South London. And that is the sound that is really going down here, more of the fun, 80s infused indie rock awash with the same kind of playful feeling that acts like Sports Team are bringing to the table at the moment. The whole package with FEET is a remarkably accomplished one and I have no doubt these guys will be knocking on the door of every major end of year list this year.

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