Track Of The Day – fax machine ‘Garden Knome’




Here is a little slice of the off-beat for you, fax machine’s ‘Garden Knome’. Like a few of the artists we have featured recently there really is little to be found about the artist, so we’ll leave it to their own description. “Fax Machine lives in a wooden box filled with musical instruments. The synths are warped, the guitar strings are snapped, the piano is called ‘Angry Bruce’ and doesn’t pay rent. The resulting music is delightful, demented, funky, and more infectious than the disease in 12 Monkeys.” The latest release comes from the upcoming album ‘Soup’ due to hit in May.

‘Garden Knome’ is a wonky, woozy piece of music, when all feels seemingly directionless fax machine pulls it back around with gorgeously dreamy choruses. The off kilter guitars add mystery and intrigue to the track, whilst the synths and vocals drift and sway in a breezy nature allowing for some super interesting, mellow moments. Underneath all its dissonant stylistic features what the track is built upon is darker, indie pop. ‘Garden Knome’ is really quite fascinating and deserves a few listens as there is something new to pick up on with every repeat.

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