Track Of The Day – Be Quiet. Shout Loud! ‘Louisiana’


(Photo: Simon Shaw)


‘Louisiana’ is the lead track from Teeside based Be Quiet. Shout Loud!, this upbeat disco-rock track come as part of their recently released EP ‘Another Commotion’. Coming through with a full six tracks, including the upcoming single ‘No Hope’, the five-piece are making strides in fun and well written tracks to dance to.

Having successfully crowdfunded the vinyl release of this EP clear’y shows the popularity of these guys, and why not? These unashamedly disco fused tracks are enough to get anyone moving.  Frontman Jake Radio says: “The fact that we’ve gone to the trouble of releasing this on vinyl shows our commitment to these songs. We are so pleased with what we’ve created that we decided it would be a crying shame to allow the record to exist as a cheap and disposable digital download left to languish in iTunes libraries without any real physical record of what we’ve worked so tirelessly on.”

Known for their flamboyant and energetic live shows ‘Be Quiet! Shout Loud!’ have quickly become the must-see live act from the North East. With a couple dates left in 2018 you can still catch ‘Be Quiet. Shout Loud!’ at the following shows:

15th November 2018 – Bubbles, Ashington

28th November 2018 – Trillions, Newcastle


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