New Music – The Daily Spreadsheets ‘Keep’

Keep‘ begins with a roaring riff that erects the backbone of the truly massive sound. With bittersweet lyrics, emotive vocals, a filthy little bubbling bass line and crashing drums, this is a track that promises of an even bigger sound to come.

Lyrically the song dances with the hurt that comes from a fling fizzling out when with a little effort the flame could be stoked and burn even brighter than it did before. It’s a relatable story felt by all and penned with true passion. The chorus comes in the form of a promise, that with or without, we should all look after our own mental health and not spend time dwelling in things that bring us pain.

The soundscape of the track is incredibly rich, the production is very good especially for a new artist. It retains the charm of a DIY band but with an attention to craft and layering that puts it a step or two above. The guitar takes the lead with some impressive flexing and flourishes but every instrument adds to the overall sound. The bass in particular has a beautiful tone and a deft amount of expertise to play in its role.

The vocals have this softly nasal quality to them that remind a lot of Brian Molko from Placebo. It allows them to reach fevered pitches that soar majestically over the growl of the aggressive and powerful guitar work. The lyrics bleed with heartfelt honesty and the vocals pick that up and add a great deal of pain and passion.

There is a sound to the music that isn’t trying to imitate something that has come before, instead it is proudly displaying itself as something unique and new. It has a growling aggression but it’s tempered with a soft vulnerability that is impossible to fake.

Check out The Daily Spreadsheets on Bandcamp to stay tuned for new releases.

Words by Matt Miles

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