New Music – Simen Mitlid ‘Tell Me Everything’

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Norwegian singer-songwriter Simen Mitlid has crafted another luscious indie-folk track called ‘Tell Me Everything’, the second release from the artist’s forthcoming album. Taking influence from his Nordic indie-folk contemporaries Sufjan Stevens, Fleet Foxes and Patrick Watson, Simen Mitlid released his critically acclaimed debut album “Everything Is the Same” in 2017, and has since been working towards the release of this new album.

When you say folk music you’d probably expect a dreadlocked hippy-type warbling about peace and love, well that is the absolute opposite of what you get with Simen Mitlid. Although there are elements of traditional folk at the roots of the track, Simen brings the genre into a more contemporary setting with a gorgeous, mellow vocal and subtle hints of indie rock. There is nothing dull here, this is a totally new take on a genre that often becomes flooded with mundanity. Keep your eyes on Simen Mitlid, there is more than meets the eye with this talent.

1 thought on “New Music – Simen Mitlid ‘Tell Me Everything’”

  1. Pingback: New Music – Simen Mitlid ‘Trying’ | Yack! Magazine

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