New Music – Diana Wolfpack ‘Jane Russell’

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Diana Wolfpack is not the name of some sexy actress from the 50s (I mean, it might be) it’s the name of Liverpool based indie rock four piece. The band is made up of veteran members from bands across the North West music scene and come through with a playful little number in ‘Jane Russell’, the second of two early releases from the band. There are hints that there is more afoot from the band, but we’ll just have to wait and see about that I guess.

It is clear from the off that these guys have been around the block a few times and know their way expertly through an indie rock track. Crunchy guitars snap into action and develop into something far more melodic whilst retaining that gritty edge. The vocal soars over energetic choruses with the same kind of vigour we have seen in the early naughties. Don’t get me wrong this track is by no means stuck in the past, far from it, and it really holds its place amongst many of the bands emerging from a particularly fertile Northern alternative scene.

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