Thelma Ball, named after the band’s grandma, emerge with their latest grunge infused track ‘I Could Be Happy’. Having picked up a heap of support online from the release of their debut EP, ‘Self Help’, as well as support slots with the likes of Skinny Girl Diet and Time For T the band look set to leave there mark on 2019 early on. The four piece are now gearing up for a single release show this month as well as setting the table for more new music.
The track opens with woozy guitars and mellow drums that build a foundation for something a little more explosive. When the chorus kicks in Thelma Ball bring in a much grittier attitude, something a little reminiscent of The Subways, part punk, part extremely melodic. There is clearly a group of savvy songwriters behind ‘I Could Be Happy’ fusing elements of grunge, pop and 00s British rock into something energetic, catchy and all together very pleasing.