New Music – Sadurday ‘Out Of Touch’

Dancing in the dissonant darkness and distress of a broken psyche in the moments before they decide to end their suffering this track channels frantic and frenzied fury of the lost and hopeless.

Sadurday is an evolving project born from the creative and therapeutic breeding ground of the 2020 lockdown. The sound and line up has had a reshuffle since the debut EP and it is buzzing with the live wire electricity of this exciting new iteration.

The track explodes with the powerful riff and pounding locomotive drum beat. Before launching into the verse it breaks for a moment to explore the calm before the storm.

The anguish and anxiety of the lyrics are beautifully mirrored in the miasmic musicality. As it peaks and crashes every energetic burst collides and colludes into the perfect cataclysmic chorus.

The lyrics are raw and pure, both art and act of outreach trying to understand the mindset of a friend who was lost to failing mental health as the song was being written.

There is something incredibly honest and heartbreaking about the account but in turning the tradgedy into anthem it allows us to explore the emotive and unfortunately universally understood unknown place of desperate despair.

The sound has a grungy 90s flavour reinvigorated with a post-punk progressive power that pours out of the speakers with tidal force.

Words by Matt Miles.

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