New Music – Not Robots? ‘Horizontal Healing’




There are a lot of debut singles making their way through the YACK! inbox lately, and if they continue to be as good as this then we’ll have no complaints. The latest debut we are featuring is from Scottish post punk four-piece Not Robots?. That’s not a question, that’s their name.

The lads come through with some real authentic sounds on this one – Thrashing drums, dick-in-hand, gritty guitars and a rumbling vocal. Not Robots? hit the nail right on its fucking head.

They cite a range of influences from the Iggy Pop & The Stooges and The Damned, to Idles and Queens of the Stone Age – and, yeah, we’re picking up what they are putting down. Although it would be easy to fall into the trap of sounding like every other indie punk band, these guys do have a sense of individuality which we would hope will shine through as they release more material.

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