Following their critically acclaimed release of ‘Wavey Days’ last month, rapper Jambo Unchained and Master Fado, together known as Para Fiction, burst back on the scene with their new release ‘Age Of The Imbecile’. A unique amalgamation of Beastie Boys and Slaves styles, the Brighton duo are making serious heat for themselves.
Speaking on their latest release “When everything is there for you and you don’t have to work for it you learn to not have to fight for it. That is the time we’re in. We am part of it, and we feel it everyday. Everyone knows everything about everyone, and this is a massive distraction. No wonder people are obsessed with image and perception. They know everyone can see. This shit is killing people.
We see a lot of people wandering through life, becoming more and more lazy, dependent on technology for their knowledge, but not knowing a fucking thing. There are definitely people grinding out there, getting better at whatever it is they do, but we see a lot of vacancy. And that is what the tunes all about, the world is infested with imbeciles.”
Para Fiction continue to develop themselves as one of the edgiest and interesting acts coming through this year, ‘Age Of The Imbecile’ is yet another drudging, melodic and as innovative of a song as you’d expect from such young minds. From the depths of the Brighton punk and hiphop scene, Para Fiction are looking like they’re going to be making a lot more waves off the back of this new track… So we thought we would have a little chat.
Hey! What’s keeping you busy at the moment?
For some stupid reason we decided to drop a track and video every month, all leading up to an EP drop at the beginning of next year. Apart from that, finding the next sofa.
What does being in Brighton bring to your music?
We’re Brighton bred, the city has such an eclectic mix of influences and trends. We’ve been largely influenced by the underground Hip-Hop scene in Brighton, big ups to Tom Hines.
Are there any bands or artists that aren’t as well known that have had an impact on your music?
The people that inspire us the most are the people that are around us, trying to come up as well. Brighton is such an untapped scene, big ups: Bador, Dr. Cortex, Noyang, Dereck, Wundrop, Vitamin G, Kemastry, Harvz, Verbz, Hutchino and the rest, you know who your are.
Equally, are there any non-musical people that have influenced your music?
Our mums for supporting us in our nit stage, shout outs to Neda & Sonia.
Do you think anyone actually like The Beatles?
Yes. The Beatles are widely considered to be one of the best and most influential bands of all time. They’ve influenced the world of music since their emergence, kicking off the trends of psychedelia and even heavy metal. Arguably, they were one of the first boy bands, brought Eastern music to international attention, and left a lasting impression on the world of music for years to come.
What does the rest of 2018 have in store for you?
Getting things ready for next year, finishing off Episode I, putting on our own night in Brighton, and a lot more gigs around the UK.
If you could change one thing in this world what would it be? World peace and an end to hunger are not options here guys sorry.
People who bog zoots.
Lastly (and most importantly), who has been the most and least sexy celebrity of 2018 so far?
Camilla Cabello is the best looking. As for least, probably me
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