Yack! Artists Of The Year 2018 // #8 Imbibe


Words by Sal Fasone



Straight from down-under, Australian brothers Tennyson and Holden Nobel burst onto the scene this year under the moniker Imbibe, with just two releases this year the duo returned to the UK last month as main support for their Aussie counter-parts Parcel – two massive reasons why they are worthy of this accolade. Now based in Berlin, the brothers manage to incorporate indie-pop elements with comfy pop vocals, creating an audible form of magic. When asked the reason why they make music and the inspiration behind it their response was to “tell stories people can relate to and inspire them where possible”.

Praised by the likes of NME and Yack! on more than one occasion this year and having their debut release ‘Mirage’ being described as “this year’s best existential jam” gives us even more reason to place these guys in our top artists for 2018. After a sold out show at Boston Music Room in London and a follow up at the iconic Roundhouse, the Aussie brothers have set the scene for plenty more live action in the coming year.



Their latest track “Touchdown” brought them the same kind of attention as their sublime debut offering and at the time they described the track as ” a song all about human connection and being present in the moment…” says singer Tennyson. “…not be swept away by all the other stuff the world asks of us”. The pop-glam track is a follow up to “Mirage”, a description of all the mirages a human being have, the things we keep striving for we can’t seem to reach out to.

If you like Tame Impala, Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Grizzly Bear, you should definitely give it a go. You will hear more from these guys, a lot more.

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