Track Of The Day – Dog Trainer ‘The Kids’

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It’s been a little while now for New York based duo Dog Trainer who, two years after the release of their debut EP “Apartments’, have come back and given us their first album aptly titled “Puppyhood”. Having met while studying jazz guitar the pair moved away from jazz and started making music together under the name Dog Trainer. Now their latest release ‘The Kids’ pops up as our Track Of The Day.

There is nothing but relaxed, almost slackerish vibes on this one. The vocals glide along on top of dreamy, spaced out guitars and coupled with inflections of 80s synths create a hazy love affair of mellow rock. It is a purposeful display of euphonious songwriter, soft and woozy ‘The Kids’ is just about everything you want to drift away into another world, if only for a few minutes.

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