This is the second time Bengal Lancers have graced the pages of Yack!, and they are now returning with their brand of bright, upbeat indie pop. Focusing their material around Mental Health, a conversation that sadly is still a dearly necessary one. Speaking on their new single the band state; “On the surface, it’s about looking after a friend who’s had a bad turn on a night out: That moment of immediate clarity you have when “something isn’t right and I need to do something about it”, but I guess it’s just about pulling people back from the edge when they aren’t feeling 100%.”
‘The Shakes’ is the latest offering from the band and instantly emerges with hints of the energy that is on its way throughout the rest of the track. It opens in a brooding fashion and grows steadily with each level of instrumentation chiming in, one at a time, building up to high energy choruses. Once the track kicks in proper, there is an infectious, explosive energy that becomes unleashed, high tempo drumming sets the tone whilst crisp guitar lines build a totally indie infused edge. More captivating stuff from a band who are ready to take hold of this year.