Canada’s Bad Animal have being plying their trade for a little while now and have a host of solid release firmly behind them. Following the release of their 2016 debut album the band were swiftly asked to open for massive acts including Blink 182 and The Used and now offer their latest release ‘Oh No’. It’s raw energy left us no choice but to make it our Track Of The Day.
Bad Animal’s ‘Oh No’ opens full of grit, crunching guitars and pulsing drums. It quickly builds into a burst of energetic, yet contained chaos with huge, soaring choruses that offer catchy melodies and hint towards the indie rock scene that graced the charts back in the early 00s. The choruses are so big that the come though almost anthemic in size with, which explains why the band have been asked to play such huge shows – Long may Bad Animal continue creating this kind of infectious indie for the masses.