Featured Artist Friday – Resek Records

Resek Records is a collective that prizes passion over everything else. Not limiting themselves to a genre or a lifestyle the artists on the label come from a mixed background of genre and disciplines. From talented singer songwriters, to lyricists and beatmakers, the only real requirement in order to become a member is a dedicated ethic and a raw passion for the art. This weeks Featured Artist Friday aims to introduce you to at least a few of these rising stars with a focus on beatmaker Bocka Du and his freshly released beat tape. So strap in and crank up the volume on your speakers and let Resek take you on a little journey through their rugged roster of rawness.

This is a collaborative mixtape featuring a selection of the artists on the Resek label the highlight of which being track 9 where the entire crew comes together

This track is not only a highlight of The Outerclass’ debut album Crackdown but it also features a sizable chunk of the Resek roster making it a superb introduction to the collective as a whole.

You can check out their website for yourself here: http://www.resek.co.uk/

Finally this link will take you through to the sweet Resek swag page: http://resekrecords.bandcamp.com/merch

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