Premiere – Leopard Rays ‘Out Of My Chest’




Having recently featured on Yack! Magazine with their Track Of The Day ‘I’m Japan’, Hartlepool’s Leopard Rays come back with their new single ‘Out Of My Chest’. We now have the pleasure of offering you the first listen to the new track from a band that seem to cement their star credentials with every passing release.

In a short space of time Leopard Rays have managed to pack in some big highlights and have set the live scene in the North East ablaze. The band spent the tail end of last year in the studio and now deliver some heavy hitting rock tracks influenced by the likes of Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam.

‘Out Of My Chest’ dials down on the tempo and aggressive energy that Leopard Rays’ previous tracks have had but replaces this with a passionate and measured performance. It’s choruses remain explosive but in a more controlled manner and allows the vocals to cry out with guttural emotion. As the track builds so does the power and by the end your left feeling like Leopard Rays have really taken you on a journey.

1 thought on “Premiere – Leopard Rays ‘Out Of My Chest’”

  1. Pingback: New Music – Leopard Rays ‘Brother’ | Yack! Magazine

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