New Music – The Carbons ‘Black Mirror’

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The Carbons are a rock trio based in Western Canada, the band are fast becoming known for their unforgettably energetic live shows and are now gracing us with more recorded material in the form of new single ‘Black Mirror’. The Carbons have supported a range of high profile acts as well as garnering plenty of radio support in Canada, their music is now starting to cross the Atlantic and make impressions in Europe.

A brooding, dark energy opens ‘Black Mirror’ but it soon bursts into life with an energy that you would expect to be explosive at any live show. The song quickly develops with more interesting bridges that lead to soaring choruses all led by an immensely strong vocal. The track simply doesn’t sit still, it grows and develops whilst holding on to the elements that are integral from the start and piece by piece the trio allow every elements to evolve in a natural fashion.  This is fist pumping emerging modern rock in its element, bravo.

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