New Music – Stray Fossa ‘Commotion’

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Oooh dreamy, new track from dream pop trio Stray Fossa ‘Commotion’ is only the band’s third release but it seems that they already have their sound utterly dialled. This latest single is a breezy stroll of a track that swoons it’s way through delicate bridges and smooth choruses leaving the listener (me) almost completely relaxed.

Recorded and arranged on a lonely night-in, ‘Commotion’ ticks all the boxes for a shimmering guitar led pop tune, gorgeous vocal layering and abstract chorus-fuelled guitars melt into a warm and completely consumable number. If these guys are only three singles into their careers then sign us up for single number four, we’re waiting.

1 thought on “New Music – Stray Fossa ‘Commotion’”

  1. Pingback: New Music – Stray Fossa ‘Are You Gonna Be Okay’ | Yack! Magazine

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