New Music – Shedonist ‘I Don’t Want you Anymore’

The new Shedonist track begins with a sexy sultry somber as it sidles in slowly. Once it’s close enough to feel the static electricity between lips in anticipation of a kiss it drives a knife up in-between the ribs.

This kind of songwriting utilises the friction of raw passion to create a fire that builds throughout until you’re engulfed in the flames.

The intro is so rich in sound and is very audibly dripping in crimson even before the vocals kick in. The production is flawless and the instrumentation even at it’s most relaxed teases the inevitable kick that’s to come. The calm before the storm is masterful musicianship.

When it does come time to turn it up it’s the drums that shift first. They go from somber to samba in terms of pace and passion.

Vocally were treated to an equal elevation as the song takes on the same power of self-actualisation as the lyrics. It’s an anthem to finding yourself.

‘I Don’t Want You Anymore’ feels like a companion piece to the band’s earlier cheekier Valentine’s release ‘Daddy’. The two tracks couldn’t be more different in terms of sound and situation and perfectly display what the band can achieve in terms of scope and cohesive songwriting.

This is a track that stamps its presence in stiletto heels, which pierce a little deeper knowing that LA native Jasmin Toubi would be stoned for singing it in Iran, the country her immigrant parents hail from.

Managing to hold on to it’s raw and bloody appeal while being cooked to perfection this is music you can sink your canines into. We’re very excited for the debut album.

Words by Matt Miles

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