New Music – Samia ‘Lasting Friend’

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‘Lasting Friend’ is the latest single from 22 year old New York native Samia. Based around a High School memory, the young singer/songwriter explains; “I have this party anecdote about how the boys in middle school used to line up in the gym and touch my boobs. It’s as funny as it is difficult for me to grapple with, because it’s how I learned to measure my worth. I made a lot of friends that way and it’s hard to unlearn that routine; we were all trying to make sense of the roles we were assigned.”

Although the track is centred around a tricky topic, the musical aspects contrast the story with fun melodies and bopping guitars that have an overall upbeat feeling. Perhaps this what was trying to be achieved, despite the difficult nature of the lyrics sometimes these moments need to reflected on with a wry smile as they ultimately shape us. Taken purely on face value this is a superb offering from an artist we really cannot wait to hear more of, a real indie gem.

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