New Music – Next City ‘Blue Star’




Here is the debut release from L.A. based Next City, the new project from well-known actor Sam Larsen. Being a debut release there isn’t a huge amount to say about these guys beyond a handful of shows on their local circuit that will surely build a solid foundation for Next City to grow over the course of the year.

Let’s get straight to the track then shall we? ‘Blue Star’ emerges with a distinctly pop sound, not in the same way as someone like The 1975 bring this to the table which is sort of refreshing as that really seems to be the flavour of the month right now. Instead Next City bring something a little heavier to the table, some real gritty alt rock sounds come through whilst the vocals keep the track on it’s radio friendly path. It’s certainly a big sound from a band who have all the potential to become a household name.

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