New Music – Napoleon ‘Can’t Forget’

Napoleon come bursting onto the scene with a truly monstrous sound so huge it’s dark and menacing shadow eclipses all else.

This is metal with real fangs. It takes the raw energy of punk, the slacker swagger of grunge, the tight gorgeous instrumentation of classic rock, and chucks then all in a hadron collider to combine them into the God sound.

The drums on ‘Can’t Forget‘ are played with the ferocity and frenetic frenzy of machine gun fire. Yet from this seeming chaos the flight of the song ascends.

The guitars are loud as fuck with staggering knockout punch riffs. When they are let loose in the breakdowns we are treated to shocking solos that prove just what true musicianship lies at the heart of this band.

Vocally it isn’t try hard, it has that punk/grunge simplicity that makes it all the more easy for these anthemic lyrics to sink and be sung along to. ‘Can’t Forget’ is a great example of this.

This song as a standalone would be a killer track, but as part of their debut ‘Enemy Within’ it’s just one piece of an even more impressive whole.

This band are almost guaranteed to blow up on the live scene as the world reawakens and pays heed.

Words by Matt Miles

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