New Music – Muscle Vest ‘Creepy Crawlie’

Muscle Vest are trying to blow your speakers out with new track ‘Creepy Crawlie’. It’s a truly explosive track from the lit fuse of the intro all the way to the detonation of the chorus. It’s beautiful noise, a carefully constructed chaotic soundscape.

The song begins like nails down a chalkboard, the guitars are striking against themselves discordantly creating a truly beautiful sense of unease. With all the hairs on the back of your neck already stood at attention the drums pierce through with anxiety inducing accuracy mirroring the listeners heartbeat.

Then the vocals come in with a suitable amount of blood and venom seeping straight from the gut and onto the mic. At first they swagger until the freefall into the mouth of hell that is the chorus. We dive deeper and deeper as the energy and vitriol slowly builds.

It might be hard to pick the lyrics out of the monumental soundscape that the band creates. To our ear it sounds like a punk-rock middle finger to creepy guys who don’t understand the word no. The energy and awfully unsettling sound of the song mirrors the message.

“I am man, hear me roar!”

There’s a lot to pick apart in what Muscle Vest have put together. It has elements of the new wave of punk headed by bands like Idles, it also has that ferocious energy that reminds us of Pulled Apart By Horses. But comparisons are fairly tired and it’s a completely unique sound.

‘Creepy Crawlie’ is a track that sends a shiver up your spine and drives a fist into your gut.

Words by Matt Miles

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