New Music – Melt Mars ‘Memory Lane’

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There is not a whole lot to be found online about these guys beyond them being a four-piece rock band from Southern California. With just a handful of photos on their instagram profile there is a mysterious edge to these guys but we should let the music do the talking. Here is Melt Mars’ debut single ‘Memory Lane’.

A mellow and woozy affair, ‘Memory Lane’ kind of does exactly what it says on the tin – Taking you on a nostalgic trip through genres of years gone by. The vocal for instance has a certain, charming 60s feel to it whilst the guitars bring through elements of 70s psychedelia and hints of 90s ballad rock. Although there isn’t that much information about Melt Mars kicking around, ‘Memory Lane’ is a very suitable starting block to build, what we think will be, a long and intricate story upon in the months and years to come.

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