New Music – Kyoto Kyoto ‘Dart Oporto 56’

A flame that flickers between inferno hot and a dying ember, fuelled by it’s smouldering intensity and smothered in intricately tight instrumentation it conjures this smoky soundscape that leaves your eyes watering it’s so thick and emotionally evocative.

The entire track has an unstoppable and almost inevitable progression that watches it evolve, merge, morph, and meld into something that is unrecognisable from what was introduced at the start. The drums lay the tracks for this cosmic train ride and it picks up steam with every station and stop along the way.

With the first break around the 1 minute mark we descend into this chaotic frenzy that has been lingering underneath the entire time. It smashes your head from side to side with a primal force. It is cataclysmic climax and it ascends the song into another realm completely.

When we re-join the calm, it has a new flavour to it. A menace that you might not have picked out before. It singes the bottom of your feet as you try to dance on the surface, fully aware of the inferno that awaits below.

The song purports to be an instrumental ode to the brilliance of genius. Those larger than life characters that serve us masterpieces that open a window to our own better understanding of the world around us. The code red outbursts that pepper the song represent the darker side of that talent. The dark days that build the light.

There is no string of words that can fully do justice to the journey, narrative, and structure of this song. The band have struck divine inspiration and the song speaks for itself, it has become more than an ode to the gods of creative expression and more of an embodiment.

Kyoto Kyoto are a band not afraid to experiment, explore, and express. They are the spirit of jazz, and the technical wizardry of metal. There is an explosive energy that they channel that could be world shattering if left to less deft and disciplined hands.

Words by Matt Miles

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