New Music – Jacky Boy ‘Get Along’

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Jacky Boy are a rock band based in Bloomington, Indiana who just released their debut album ‘On Good Terms with Everyone You Know’. Now emerging with two new songs, “Get Along” and “Swaying”, the songs will be available digitally as well as (much cooler) a limited-edition, lathe-cut single from Third Uncle Records.

New single ‘Get Along’ infused the bands love of bands such as Weezer, Dinosaur Jr. and early Foo Fighters. Big, drawn-out guitars are nothing but proof of this, screaming of the first Foo Fighters record, while the vocal brings through a more modern edge to the track with hints of the pop-punk era times but also bringing through a precise melodic intent. This is a pure rock song built out of the bands that are in all of us and melting them together to make something unique – A rare gift for a band these days.


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