New Music – Jack Perrett ‘Like A Fever’

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Nah, it’s actually ‘Like A Fever’, the latest release from Newport’s indie maestro Jack Perrett, a track so full of energy that it’s been getting loved up by the likes of Janice Long on BBC Radio Wales and Charlie Ashcroft on Amazing Radio.

‘Like A Fever’ is a face-paced, raucous affair from start to finish, full of catchy hooks that are bound to embed themselves in your mind for a little while. Now the press release says ‘Resembling some of the early works of Franz Ferdinand’, however I would like to say that the track resembles the works of Block Party and in particular ‘Helicopter’ – I mean it’s the same riff right?

“The song started off with a guitar riff that I had, explains Jack, “Then I had a couple of verses with lyrics based around chord progression. Lyrically, the song is about the people who go out in their own city centres every Saturday night and get into trouble after not handling their drink.”

“It is sort of me saying ‘Why waste your money every weekend on drinking in the same nightclub surrounded by the same people who you don’t even like?’ After a few practices in the studio I started playing it live with the band and people watching us were loving it so it had to be the next single.”

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