New Music – Elders ‘CR1’

With frenzy and fuzzy frenetic fury and flourish CR1 dexterously dashes through a math rock masterpiece of progressive evolving soundscapes.

It’s jazz that growls, musicians who know the rules inside and out and are able to play creatively breaking them over knee and instrument and summoning sonic spirits to rise from the shattered pieces.

The track begins with a cascading whirlwind lick in the guitar backed up by this boisterously bouncy bass lick that gets your heart racing.

Once the scene is set it quickly takes the pace to its climactic maximum, laying down the chunky home refrain that acts as the songs lifeblood.

With the mood and music set here is where the band can begin breaking through the sonic wall they’ve built to plant more soft and soulful seeds.

The instrumental interludes throughout the course of the track provide moments of calm. Drawing on the roots, riff, and notes that have come before, they evolve to explore the duality of sound.

This track makes up part of a split EP with Atlanta based math rock maestro’s Things Amazing. Every track is an absolute deviant delight and you should head over to either bands Bandcamp to grab a copy.

Words by Matt Miles.

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