New Music – Dune Moss ‘Fruits Of The Dark’ Single Review

Beautifully bearing the bittersweet misery of mourning, ‘Fruits of The Dark’ delves deep into the depths of the explosive emotion of loss, but also somehow simultaneously weaves in a string of hope, a lesson of celebration in the happier memories made all the more meaningful in mortality.

It begins as a folk fable of old, there is an enchanting ethereal energy to the trill and skitter of the opening vocal refrain. It feels like a song out of time, mystical magical music gifted to us from the realm of the fae. It is as spellbinding with its poetic lyricism as it is with its sonorous sumptuous song.

Dune Moss has a voice that belongs in the forest as much as it does the concert hall, echoing through the deep dark wood and winding its way around the trunks of the trees. It has a leaf, bark, and soil dirt rich honesty that gives it a gritty growl that shines through even the silky smooth siren soaring of its ensorcelling beauty.

The lyrics beg the listener to truly feel, to allow themselves to give themselves fully to the depths of their darker moments. For those brave enough to listen, they can tune into the lilting loving frequency and ascend into a dream realm where they can meet with the spirits of those that they have lost. It is an exquisite pain, and an ecstatic joy, it is the happiest memory, and the knowledge that there will be no new ones to make.

The world building, and emotive power of the song almost overshadows the masterful musicianship behind the track. It builds in ebbs and flows, and coarses like a river, climaxing into a cascading torrent that tumbles over the edge of a cliff in the most breathtaking of waterfalls as it plummets into the agony and anguish of its soulful sound.

This is music that makes you actually feel something. It isn’t afraid of the dark, in fact, it dances in it, becoming a lunar light that shines all the more brightly in the void. It is tear jerkingly passionate and evokes and explosive emotive revery in the listener that lets them come along for the journey and just for a moment, inhabit the spirit realm between life and death. It teaches us that there can be beauty in broken bones.

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