New Music – Black Leather Jacket ‘Village People’

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Here is a furious little slice of garage rock from Black Leather Jacket, a real upbeat banger. So upbeat in fact that I am typing this out in double time just to keep up, I think that is a testament to the tracks pace and energy that it infects you with its speed. Although the track is fast and raucous this doesn’t take anything away from the fundamentals, and it never feels sloppy – in fact quite the opposite.

Whilst the vivacity of this track is what immediate grabs your attention, it’s the massive sing-a-long choruses that really draw you in. The woahs and the oohs should make this track an absolute staple in Black Leather Jacket’s live set because there is no way you wouldn’t be shouting along with ‘Village People’. There is an inherent punk attitude with this track, but it is far too clean cut to be pushed down that avenue, and every decision in the writing process of this song has clearly been thought through with precision.



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