New Music – Arms Akimbo ‘Cruel Lovers’




Arms Akimbo are a four-piece indie band out of L.A. who are following up on their 2018 EP with a new set of releases ready to cement themselves as a band to watch this year. New single ‘Cruel Lovers’ is a sublime taste of the latest EP ‘Seven Dollar Paycheck’, set for release on April 19th. Some big press are already on board with these guys so it looks like a matter of time before they find their name in even brighter lights.

The latest release is a coming together of a range of super fun sounds and comes complete with a slightly over the top, glam guitar solo. With a pop infused, husky vocal that sparks memories of Charlie from Busted – without being too cheesy – the new single finds itself burrowing deeper into later 00s pop rock sounds. At the same time however, ‘Cruel Lovers’ tangles with playful indie tones and toe tapping rhythms that make this track utterly infectious.

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