New Music – Alex McArtor ‘Touch’

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You may remember our recent feature on 16 year old Alex McArtor and how impressed we were with the young talent. Well, she’s done it again continually added to a really diverse back catalogue, new single ‘Touch’ is no exception with nods towards 90s alt rock with a modern pop edge. Very much like ‘Burning Fleeting Love’ the last track we featured, Alex’s material still pushes the notion that she is creating music far more accomplished than her years should allow for.

‘Touch’ has that hint of something a little heavier about, chorus-drenched guitars open a moody soundscape for Alex’s sublime and polished vocal to sit atop. There is a dark feeling through the opening moments of the track that for me is a little reminiscent of Hole, maybe even Garbage, bands that the young artist would seemingly be too young to remember. It is this appreciation of music’s rich history that intrigues us about Alex McArtor, with every passing single you see into her far reaching influences and get a taste for what this artist has built their sound upon.

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