Featured Artist Friday: Shlick Smit

We are very excited to introduce you to this weeks Featured Artist, Shlick Smit. A New York bred rapper who has weened on the teat of hip hop and has grown very strong from doing so. Now based in Southern California but repping just as hard, this is one of those rare occasions when you find an artist who is as relatively unknown as he is passionate and talented. If you don’t run in the right circles it’s unlikely you’ll have come across him just yet, lucky for you Yack! sprints marathons in every direction and have had the distinct pleasure of tripping over this nugget of hip hop gold.

We’ve got an interview and an album review coming up for you, and we do urge you to stay tuned folks, because we are sure you’re going to dig this.

Feel free to go and check out the mans social media channels in advance:

Words by Matt Miles

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