Skateboarding Youth – Isamu Yamamoto

If being able to whip out tricks and flatland that would put Rodney Mullen to shame and doing so at the ridiculous age of 11 years old isn’t enough to qualify this radical runt as an artist, then we will be forced submit this doodle he recently uploaded on his facebook page. Because we feel it is our duty to make you all aware of this blossoming skateboard prodigy.


Isamu started skating at the age of 8 after his Dad showed him some videos of Rodney Mullen and he became transfixed by what he saw. He is also a keen practitioner of the newer trend Freeline Skates a recent sport coming out of the USA. Currently tutored by the Fujii brothers Yamamoto is set to become the Godzilla of freestyle skating. Between practicing both hobbies and attending school you would think he wouldn’t have any time for much else. But you’d be wrong as this teeny tyke has a diary that runs rings around your boring ass schedule. He is also a keen artist and fan of Keith Haring and Taro Okamoto along with the usual little kid fare of cartoons and comics.

If this is reading a little like a bio in Teen magazine or some similarly tame publication we apologize, but information on this whippersnapper is scarce or all written in Japanese. We’ll let these couple of videos of the little guy in action do the rest of the talking.

Yeah, that’s right, that kid is already better at what he loves doing than most of us and he’s only 11. His life is sorted. Here is another video of him doing some new thing that the kids are calling “freeline skating”, it looks to us to be some weird 360 version of the rollerskate and we cannot even fathom trying to control that heap of nonsense.

And for comparison his idol and current Freeline champ Mattie Tyce

Yeah we agree it’s pretty lame, but Isamu is professional level good at it, so we felt it necessary to include.

Here is the kids current list of accomplishments:
2011 JFSA Flatland SK8 Contest -Best Trick
2012 MEGANE CUP -1st place (kids), 6th place(open)
2012 WAIWAI Skateboard Contest -3rd place (freestyle B class)
2012 All Japan Freestyle SK8 Contest -5th place(amateur)
2013 MEGANE CUP vol.2 -1st place (kids), 1st place (open), 3rd place(pro/ama open)
2013 WAIWAI Skateboard Contest -1st place (freestyle open)
2013 All Japan Freestyle SK8 Contest -5th place(amateur)
2013 Video Contest -2nd place
2014 MEGANE CUP vol.3 -1st place

Expect this kid to be big, he is already innovating, inventing his own tricks and routines and generally just being an absolute boss on wheels, he will definitely go on to be supreme world overlord commander of skateboarding or whatever they call the top dog now days, and even if he doesn’t with his love of art and doodling he will at least release a line of gnarly looking board graphics. So keep your peepers peeled or whatever…

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