Featured Artist Friday – Doomriders

Doomriders live in that magical moment at the dusk of sludge but just before the pitch blackness of doom. Hailing from Boston Massachusetts and belonging to the impressive Deathwish Inc label, Doomriders could just be your new favourite band.


Helmed by Nate Newson (Of Converge, Old Man Gloom and Cavalera Conspiracy fame) who is joined by Chris Pupecki on the guitar, Jebb Riley on bass and the enigmatic Q on drums. Judging by Nate’s and indeed most of the members curriculum vitae’s, you could be fooled into thinking this is a super group, or simply a side project. But that would stupid as hell, these boys are packing a dedication, sound and ferocity all of their own.

Combining collossal riffs with growling vocals and machine gun drums Doomriders effortlessly bring it all together into a package that feels filthily clean. The energy and passion inherent in every song is matched only by their peerless dedication to musicality, it’s hard to decide wether you want to give in to the bestial undercurrent of the track, throwing yourself around your room like a raging ragdoll or stand silent and pay the due respect to the epic riffery and craftmanship unpeeling itself to your ears.

Doomriders are unfortunately one of those acts that you can spew praise upon, frothing from the mouth with excitement and respect, hoping your friends will understand, but they wont. The only way to truly introduce Doomriders, is by cranking up the speakers and chucking the CD on repeat. We urge you to do just that, it’s a cacophonous ride, and you’ll love every fucking minute.

Click here for our illustrated live review of Doomriders

Words by Yack Magazine

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