Yack! Artists Of The Year 2018 // #2 Demob Happy

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Three years. Three years we had to wait for a new album from Brighton based trio Demob Happy, and thank god it came in the form of ‘Holy Doom’. So strong is the album that it pushed the three-piece to number two in our Artists Of The Year. ‘Liar In Your Head’ is our stand-out track, it oozes with grungy, fuzzed-out guitars and is infused with a feeling of psychedelia. In fact, the whole album follows suit with title track ‘Holy Doom’ coming out with that woozy 70s feel that runs in the veins of the band.



We caught these guys earlier in the year at The Great Escape in a packed tent on Brighton beach where Demob Happy blazed through a powerful set to a full crowd of sweat-drenched fans. This was the set that really drove home the utter charisma they hold on stage and sheer force of their music. Demob Happy surely deserve more plaudits than they receive and are not only one of our favourite artists this year but one of our favourite artists full stop.

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