Track Of The Day – Make Friends ‘Drop Naked’

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Make Friends​ are a Bristol based four piece giving the world their take on clean cut indie-pop. They based their sound around pop-driven grooves but with a guitar-led indie edge. Latest track ‘Drop Naked’ dips and dives through a dynamic and altogether fun four-and-a-bit minutes soundly announcing themselves as a band with serious talent.

‘Drop Naked’ comes laced with noodley guitar lines that give a nod to indie mainstays like Bombay Bicycle Club, but there is a melodic and infectious edge to Make Friends that gives them their own platform to work from. Every pocket of this song is full of enjoyment and this new track lives and breathes a sense of content happiness in to the ears of whoever is listening… and that should be you.

Speaking of the song, the band explain “The lyrics centre around themes of being emotionally unfaithful, maybe there’s someone who catches your eye and you attempt to pursue something even when you know it’s wrong and unfair. We wanted the music to sound uplifting in strong contrast to the darker subject matter”



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