New Music – The Bawl Slant ‘Save Me’

From out of the mists of this jagged toothed soundscape comes this colossal voice weaving a mythic melody that drags the listener deeper and deeper into the forest. It’s a raw sound that buzzes and cackles around the edges, distorted and devilish. It’s loud, it’s unapologetic, and it’s very very cool.

The track starts with the train of the chugging juggernaut drumbeat plowing straight through the middle. It’s joined by the fuzzed out guitar lick that zips in and out of the engine room powering the audial onslaught ever onwards. It’s not too long before we get the punked up crooning from the vocals which is a little bit of a mix between A Place To Bury Strangers and Joy Division.

We have heard other tracks from The Bawl Slant before and this one is the first to really catch our attention. It’s ballsy, gritty, and has a real growl at the heart of it that lets the instruments, vocals, and lyrics really roar. It has it’s own influences and it wears the tattered shirts and merch of those bands on its sleeves but there is so little of the fabric left that your eyes and ears are way more drawn to the jangling bones underneath.

The Dirty Hair EP release has been met with a great deal of anticipation and praise and if the rest of the songs sound like this it’s easy to see why. We can’t wait to get our hands on a copy. Music that gives you that electric excitement straight up the spine that you can still feel the tingling buzz off even after the song is finished.

Check out the bands linktree to listen to more music and stay informed for more information on the EP release.

Words by Matt Miles

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