New Music – Sports Team ‘Deep Down Happy’ (Album)




From being our Artist of the Year in 2018 to being on course for a number one album, Sports Team deliver on their debut full length release.

London based six-piece indie band, Sports Team, have released their debut album ‘Deep Down Happy’. It opens with an eager scream from the lead guitarist, Rob Knaggs, which sets the tone for the entire album. While sombre indie music seems to be the trend for today’s teens, Sports Team display the opposite, with their collection of playfully witty songs, demonstrating intelligent song writing that was to be expected of five Cambridge University graduates.

There are juxtaposing vocal performances between the energetic, yelling lead singer, Alex Rice, and the tuneful, more reserved Knaggs – who split the vocals in the album pretty evenly, merging their different tones seamlessly in the duet ‘Here’s The Thing’, with provocative, satirical lyrics. This prevents the album from sounding too one-note; as some have criticised the band for showing little variety.

The album brings new songs, which fans have waited for patiently, but fan favourites also return, such as ‘Fishing’ and Yack! favourite ‘Kutcher’.

While Sports Team are known better for their crazy live performances, this album is a great effort, and is not overproduced, giving it an authentic sound. Given the current situation we face where we are all locked down and live music seems a thing of the past, the staggering vigour of all band members can transform anyone’s bedroom into their own live gig, which I say is much needed.

Words by Tilda Evans


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