The chiming of the bell of the opening riff is raucous and raw, a death toll that continues to rise through the track. It instantly establishes the spooky and haunting motif and sets the stage for the delicious and devilish vocals.
When the vocals join in both lyrically and in tone they have this effortless gothic anguish that both celebrates and is disgusted by the bloody evil that sits at the heart of the song.
There is a beautiful haunting quality to the vocals that delight in the spooky soundscape. They range from feral and ferocious to languid and morose.
The guitars dominate the sound with a distorted and dangerous dance that crackles against the speaker. The main riff has this devilish edge to it that is devious and delightfully addictive.
This is magnificent macabre music. It fizzles like a lit fuse with the fuzzy buzzing post punk growl while with the other hand it stokes the explosive sound with the fuel of its darkwave disco melodic munitions.
Words by Matt Miles.