New Music – Salibu Macey ‘Bonnie’

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Adelaide’s Salibu Macey and a three piece indie rock band who are building on the success of their ‘Wilpena St.’ EP that the band put out last year. Describing themselves as a “mobile booty shaking service that concerns itself with the welfare of ankles, knees and hips”, Salibu Macey’s latest release ‘Bonnie’ delves into a more sensitive side of the band’s output, whilst maintaining a true indie sound.

With ballad-esque choruses, ‘Bonnie’ reveals itself as a tender yet powerful number with crisp guitar work hinting at some of the guitar anthems of the 80s whilst delivering a modern DIY edge. The vocals have a hint of the Radiohead about them, however with all these diverse influences playing a part, Salibu Macey truely make ‘Bonnie’ completely their own. Without overplaying a note, or adding a bunch of post-production gimmicks to the track ‘Bonnie’ comes at us as a simple, straightforward slice of melodic indie that we can all get on board with.

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