New Music – Knob Ross ‘I Don’t Know The Answer’

For a guy named after a punny dick joke Knob Ross serves up surprisingly humble, and philosophical lyricism over the top of old school jam kicking riffs. The music industry has a habit of taking itself a little too seriously and when an artist comes along whose obviously just having fun with it, for some bizarre reason it feels refreshing.

‘I Don’t Know The Answer’ is an anti-ego anthem. If the music itself doesn’t instantly give you the warm fuzzies then the feel good positivity vibes Knob Ross is giving out certainly will. You can tell this isn’t an act either, every line is dripping with a sincerity it would be impossible to fake.

“I don’t ever wanna be better than you
I only wanna be better than me
Can’t we agree that it isn’t such a crazy thing
To wanna be a complete human being without another human being”

There is a very real and powerful poetry to this track which lies in its blunt straightforward heart sleeve brutality, it’s not hiding behind metaphors or simile. It’s just a beautiful dude, beaming out love like a rainbow and cock rocking his way right down your earholes… that sounds way grosser than it was meant to. It’s actually pretty wholesome.

The soundtrack to this song is just a solid garage jam session. The guitars are chugging along with the distortion pedal set to time travel back to the 90s, the bass is a little shy hiding in the mix but when it pops out it flashes a wink at you and you realise it it was your soul mate all along.

Is geek rock still a genre choice? This track reminds me of acts like Ben Kweller or classic Weezer. The guitars go from a rhythmic heartbeat to a wailing solo at the click of a finger. It’s fun. It’s beautiful. It’s addictive. It’s criminally underrated.

As a big fan of Bob Ross ourselves (we even made a little web comic about him back in the day) we can safely say this song doesn’t just slap, it beats the devil out of it! Knob Ross brings that same skill and mega love energy to their music and honestly I just wanna dive in and roll around in it, because it’s a world where every tree has a friend.

Check out Knob Ross on bandcamp support good music and get ready for the release of the double CD ‘Getting Your Shit Together And Eating It Too’

Words by Matt Miles

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