Featured Artist Friday – Firewoodisland

Have you ever listened to any Celtic Viking Music? No? Neither had we until we were introduced to Firewoodisland, atleast we don’t think we had. Drawing inspiration from Norway and Wales the sound created is definitely an original one. The focus of which and indeed the most interesting hook is the vocal harmonies, hauntingly draped across every track.


Firewoodisland are Stian Vedøy, Abi Newbould, Stephen Allen and Rowan Blake, the project purportedly started when Vedøy who is a descendant of viking blood crossed the choppy oceans from Norway to Wales and was inspired enough to begin a mixed culture project. Uniting two once warring tribes Firewoodisland are capable of a sound that is every bit as captivating as it is soulful. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? If you haven’t this is the soundtrack you should do so with.

Having grown in popularity playing the various small clubs of Wales, Firewoodisland have now released their debut EP ILD and we have decided this week to shine the spotlight on them with their very own F.A.F.

Sit back and enjoy the artistry of Firewoodisland, or not. It’s a pretty subjective sound, but check it out at least.

 Single Review: Simon

Live Review: Deadwall, Firewoodisland & Theo Altieri

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